What's your zodiac flower sign?
Don’t know? No problem. Just for fun, today, the flower sign for each of the zodiac signs will be revealed.
Let's start with Aries, the zodiac sign for birthdays that fall between March 21 and April 20. Honeysuckle is your flower. This is the time of year we think of something new, spring rebirth and new experiences. Newly blooming honeysuckle pairs nicely with this time of year, and with you if you are an Aries.
Taurus (April 21 to May 2): The poppy is your zodiac sign flower. You love being surrounded by natural beauty. You exude positivity, beauty and strength, while being able to stand your ground on important issues. Like the poppy, you have beauty and inner strength.
Gemini (May 22 to June 21): Lavender is your zodiac flower sign. Like lavender, you have distaste for the ordinary and bland things in life. Lavender is always noticed as it is not ordinary. You are social and energetic in nature.
Cancer (June 22 to July 22): White roses are your zodiac flower sign. Like the white rose you are elegant, very subtle and universally adored. You are imaginative, and you enjoy adventure, but you love the comfort of sticking to what you know. Like the white rose, you have a delicate nature.
Leo (July 23 to August 22): The sunflower is your zodiac sign flower. Like the sunflower, you have a sunny side. You have a happy demeanor, a social and outgoing manner, you're always smiling. You and the sunflower were made for one another.
Virgo (August 23 to September 23): The buttercup is your zodiac sign flower. You tend to be shy, not wanting to be the center of attention, but those who love you see your loving personality. You are subtle and beautiful, blending into the background like the beautiful buttercup.
Libra (September 24 to October 23): The tea rose is your zodiac sign flower. You have a strong sense of right and wrong. You crave justice. You love love. Like the tea rose, you are adored by all, a real winner.
Scorpio (October 24 to November 22): Red geranium is your zodiac sign flower. You have many facets and many sides, similar to the petals of the geranium. You never let anyone know what you are thinking. You always have another side. There is mystery within you.
Sagittarius (November 23 to December 21): Carnation is your zodiac sign flower. Like the carnation you are strong and beautiful. You love to be loved. Your flower is the most commonly chosen flower for weddings, a good thing when you love to be loved.
Capricorn (December 22 to January 20): The pansy is your zodiac sign flower. You enjoy showing the harvest of your labor. You and the pansy are hard working and tenacious. The pansy blooms in cooler weather when not many other flowers have the ability to do so, a beautiful and modest bloom in tough weather.
Aquarius (January 21 to February 19): The orchid is your zodiac flower. Like the orchid, you are delicate appearing but naturally strong. While you are quiet, your energy can be incredible. What a nice zodiac flower sign in the middle of winter.
Pisces (February 20 to March 20): The water lily is your zodiac flower sign. Pisces is the water sign. How appropriate! You are known for creativity, whimsicality and love of art. Affection is often shown by you and you enjoy receiving affection. Water lilies and you share grace as well as love of water. Isn’t that perfect?
Whether you believe in astrology or not, it is fun to find out your zodiac flower sign. It helps in selecting gifts for that person who you wish you knew more about in terms of their wants and likes. Know their flower and you can find a perfect gift for them, easily. Maybe you will get one too.
Garden on!
Master gardener Fredi Stangland resides in Medina.
The Link LonkApril 17, 2021 at 11:00AM
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