From bold carnations to delicate lavender, nothing brightens up a home like a fresh bunch of flowers. Whether you're buying a bouquet for a loved one or simply want to spruce up your home, freshly cut flowers can bring so much joy.
While we know that cut flowers will not last forever, many bouquets begin to wilt after just a few days. However, to keep your vase of flowers fresh for as long as possible, opt for longer-lasting flowers that will stay fresh for weeks rather than days.
Plus, according to the Royal Horticultural Society (RHS), there are steps you can take to ensure that your bouquet stays as fresh as possible for as long as possible.
Firstly, make sure that your vase is clean. Then, dissolve the flower food in the water before placing the flowers in the vase.
Check and top up the water every couple of days and change the water every two to four days. When changing the water, cut a small amount of the stem each time. Be sure to remove any dying flowers from the vase and keep the vase in a cool spot.
Below, using information from RHS, Bloom IQ, Bloom and Wild, Better Homes and Gardens, and Gardeners' World, Newsweek has rounded up the flowers that will live the longest displayed in your home.
Allium flowers are bold and architectural and make good cut flowers that can last for up to two weeks. This flower is said to represent good fortune, unity, and patience.
Alstroemerias, also known as the Peruvian lily, can stay fresh for around two weeks in a vase. These lily-like flowers can produce a range of colors, and their petals often bear additional markings such as spots or streaks.
Carnations can remain fresh for around a week or two and generally outlast many other flowers in a bouquet. Carnations come in various colors each with its own meaning—for example, pink carnations symbolize gratitude while white carnations symbolize purity and good luck.
Chrysanthemums, also called chrysanths or mums, are a popular cut flower that can last for up to two weeks.
Delphiniums can last between a week or two in a vase. This striking flower can come in a variety of colors including lavender, blue, pink, purple, red, and white.
Eryngium (Sea Holly)
The Eryngium, or Sea Holly, is a sculptural flower that can resemble a thistle. The RHS says that cut Eryngium flowers are long-lasting and that the flowers can be dried and used in winter arrangements.
Freesias are known for their fragrant perfume and are a popular cut flower option. Bloom and Wild says that when freesias are properly cared for, they have the potential to last for weeks.
Gladioli are also known as sword lilies because they have long, pointed leaves. These flowers can last for around a week or to in a vase, as long as they are cared for properly.
Unlike other flowers on this list, lavender flowers can live in your home when they are purposely dried out. Instead of displaying the lavender in a vase with water, let the flowers dry out and they will last for months, or even years.
Lilies, which are known for their fragrant blooms, can live for up to three weeks in a vase. Each variety of Lily has a different meaning, but they generally represent purity and fertility.
Orchid plants can flower for three months, but when they are cut they last for around two to three weeks. These elegant flowers are a beautiful addition to a bouquet.
Pampas grass
Pampas grass is made up of creamy white feathery plumes and is a popular interior design trend. Once dried, pampas grass can last for months inside your home.
Roses generally live for a week in a vase, but there are ways to increase this flower's lifespan. Trim your roses' stems, prune their leaves, and take off the roses' guard petals to help your flowers last longer.
Sunflowers can last up to 12 days in a vase with proper care. These vibrant yellow flowers symbolize longevity, loyalty, and adoration and are perfecting for gifting someone to brighten their day.
Zinnias come in a variety of colors, from pastel tones to vibrant bursts, making them a great addition to any bouquet. Many varieties of zinnias will last from seven to 12 days in a vase.
The Link LonkApril 14, 2021 at 07:09PM
15 Flowers that Will Live the Longest in Your Home - Newsweek
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